Orchialgia is a disease that is found in men. The men are suffering from this disease experience brutal pain in the testis. This disease also responsible for pain in the scrotum. But no need to worry because this disease can be cured by orchialgia treatment in Pune. The testicle doctor specialist in Pune i.e. Dr. Irfan Shaikh gives the best treatment to cure this disease.
Diagnosis of orchialgia:
There are several ways to test the disease of Orchialgia. But there are mainly three methods to diagnose Orchialgia that are:
Urine Test :
This is the test done on the person or man who is suffering from Orchialgia. By doing the urine test, the doctor is able to find that is the pain that is being occurred in the testis is due to the infection or not.
Scrotal Ultrasound :
This is the test done in men suffering from Orchialgia to check the blood flow. Generally, if the doctor notices decreased blood flow inside the testicles, then there are chances that you may suffer from Orchialgia, and if the doctor finds normal blood flow, then there are chances that he or she might give several medications to cure your pain.
Surgery :
By doing the surgery, the doctor is able to identify that the symptoms that you are suffering from are caused due to testicular pain (Orchialgia) or there is another reason.
The best doctor for testicular pain in Pune Dr.Irfan Shaikh provides the best diagnosis for this disease in the Urolife care Clinic.
Treatment of Orchialgia:
The testicular pain specialist in Pune Dr. Irfan Shaikh provides the best treatments for the disease of Orchialgia. The treatment of Orchialgia also consists of microsurgical denervation of the spermatic cord risks. Dr. Irfan Shiakh provides micro denervation of the spermatic cord treatment in Pune.
Let us go through few ways of treatment of Orchialgia suggested by Dr.Irfan Shaikh.
- Many people experience swelling in the testicular area. Hence, we can use ice in that area to reduce the pain and swelling.
- We can wear an athletic suit to support the scrotum.
- Take the antibiotics provided by the doctor.
- If you are suffering from testicular torsion, the doctor may suggest surgery.
For more details, Book an Appointment with Dr. Irfan Shaikh at Urolife Clinic, Pune. Contact Now!!
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