Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Pune

Erectile Dysfunction or ED, is the difficulty faced by men to keep their erection firm enough for a longer period of time to have sex. Most of the men have occasional ED which is quite normal. However, to have erectile dysfunction frequently is a cause of concern. It can be a sign of various health problems and cause stress which in turn affects self-confidence. As many as 30 million men are said to be affected with Erectile Dysfunction. It’s the most sexual problem that men face. Men with erectile dysfunction find it difficult to open up with an Erectile Dysfunction Specialist. However, that’s the first step towards treating the problem and having a healthy sexual life.

Erectile Dysfunction treatment in Pune

Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction treatment in Pune

The common symptoms of ED include
● Difficulty getting an erection
● Unable to maintain the erection during sex
● Inability to ejaculate

Emotional symptoms such as
● Shame
● Low self-esteem
● Depression
● Anxiety
● Reduced interest in sexual intercourse

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction is caused due to various physical and psychological reasons.

Physical causes of erectile dysfunction
● Not enough blood flows into the penis.
● The inability of the penis to trap blood during an erection

● Signals from the brain or spinal cord not reaching the penis.
● History of cancer treatment near the pelvis.
● Side effects caused due to medication used to treat other health issues.
● Kidney disease, high cholesterol, or heart disease.
● Excess alcohol intake.
● Diabetes

Psychological causes include
● Fear of intimacy
● Feeling guilty
● Depression and anxiety
● Relationship issues
● Stress at home or due to work

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How it works

Once you are aware of the problem, the next step is to consult an Erectile Dysfunction(ED) Urologist irrespective of
your shyness. The treatment for ED begins by taking your heart and vascular health reports. Based on the risk factors, you are required to make necessary changes in your lifestyle which includes eating habits, sleeping habits, and exercise.

Treatment procedure

The treatment procedure for Erectile Dysfunction varies from person to person depending on the severity of the condition.
A series of tests are performed to find out the cause of erectile dysfunction.

Physical Test

The physical tests include checking your heart, lungs, and blood pressure. Additionally, your testicles and penis are also examined. At times, your prostate is also checked to rule out any other problem.

Oral Test

In the oral test, you’ll be asked various questions related to your symptoms, sexual history and health history.

Some of the commonly asked questions are

● Do you feel any problem with reaching orgasm, lack of sexual desire, or ejaculating?
● Do you wake up in the middle of the night or in the morning with erections?
● How’s your relationship? Is there any emotional turmoil?
● Do you worry or stress a lot about different things related to work or personal life?
● Do you take tobacco, cigarettes, or alcohol?
● Do you have any previous medical history?

Some other additional test may also include

● Urine test
● Blood test
● Injection test
● Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test
● Ultrasound

All these tests are performed to detect any underlying issue. These are usually done at Men’s
Clinic for Erectile Dysfunction(ED).

After performing the tests, the treatment procedure is decided based on the reports. Erectile Dysfunction(ED) can be
treated in many ways.

Some of the treatment procedures include

● Drug Treatments
● Vacuum Devices
● Surgical Treatments

The Erectile Dysfunction(ED) specialist doctor suggests the treatment that best suits your condition.

In the initial stages, Erectile Dysfunction(ED) can be treated simply through medication and changes in the lifestyle.
In other cases, Vacuum erection devices are used to produce an erection for men who are not
willing to use drugs for the same.

In severe conditions, Penile implants and vascular surgery is the last resort to treat erectile

Treatment Duration
The duration of the treatment is different for every patient based on their condition. From taking tests to starting the treatment, it can take a couple of weeks to see the results.

शीघ्रपतन (Premature Ejaculation)

Treatment Duration
The duration of the treatment is different for every patient based on their condition. From taking tests to starting the treatment, it can take a couple of weeks to see the results.

Side Effects

The common side effects of taking ED drugs include
● Headache
● Vision problems
● Diarrhea
● Dizziness
● Upset Stomach
● Flushing
● Running nose
● Nasal congestion
● Lasting erection

● Treat the problem at the earliest
● No serious complications of the treatment on the patient’s health.
● Guarantees a healthy sexual life.

Second Opinion
Apart from the above-mentioned treatments, there are other natural ways of treating ED.
● Using natural herbs and supplements.
● Treating it through acupuncture.
● Prostatic massage to help promote the blood flow to the penis.

However, you need to be patient with these processes as it takes longer for the results to

Why Choose Dr. Irfan Shaikh for Erectile Dysfunction(ED) Treatment in Pune?

Dr. Irfan Shaikh is a consultant Urologist and Uro Surgeon. Considering his previous experience of 11 years, he’s the Best doctor for Erectile Dysfunction(ED). He provides Erectile Dysfunction(ED) treatment in Pune.

At his Erectile Dysfunction(ED) clinic, he not only helps his patients with their physical ailment but also gives them the necessary emotional support required throughout the process. Doctors like him are rare in the healthcare industry.

Dr. Irfan Shaikh is the best if you’re looking for a doctor who is well-involved with all kinds of
urological problems. Premature Ejaculation Medication is also available at Urolife Clinic, Pune.

Dr. Irfan Shaikh – Best Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Pune

Best Urologist in Pune - Dr. Irfan Shaikh

Dr. Irfan Shaikh

Consultant Urologist & Uro Surgeon (MBBS, MS (Gen. Surgery), M.Ch. Urology), is one of the Top Urologists In Pune

Dr. Irfan Shaikh – Consultant Urologist & Uro Surgeon (MBBS, MS (Gen. Surgery), M.Ch. Urology), is one of the Top Urologists In Pune. A gold medalist in the department of Urology, Dr. Irfan Shaikh specializes in Female Urology in India. He has finished his education from one of the top colleges with MBBS from Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Government Medical College & Sasson General Hospital in Pune and MS in general surgery from PGI, Chandigarh. Moreover, he has also done M.Ch in Urology from Topiwala National Medical College & BYL Nair Charitable Hospital. Having so many degrees from prestigious institutes, Dr. Irfan Shaikh ensures to treat his patients with all the knowledge that he has accumulated over the years.

Urolife provides you all kinds of Urological Treatment Services such as Kidney Stones Treatment, Bladder Stones Treatment, Prostate Cancer Treatment, Kidney Cancer Treatment, and Urinary Tract Infection Treatment, RIRS Surgery and PCNL Surgery for Kidney Stone Removal and Andrological Treatment Services such as Erectile Dysfunction Treatment, Sexology Therapy, Penile Enlargement Services, and Premature Ejaculation Treatment, Varicocele Surgery.


Medical science has advanced considerably particularly in the last decade. These advances have greatly improved our understanding of the course of the stone disease and the management of this ailment has undergone revolutionary changes. This knowledge has further been helpful in the prevention and treatment of stone disease.

Various factors play a role in the formation of kidney stones in a susceptible individual. These factors are diet, water intake, urinary output, climate, occupation, and heredity, radical, and family background.

  1. Diet- Ingestion of excessive amounts of calcium, oxalates, purines (uric acid), phosphates, and other elements often results in excessive excretion of these components in the urine. The stone formation can be precipitated by a high intake of calcium in the form of milk, ice creams, cheese, chocolates, cocoa, calcium-containing drugs, or vitamin D.
  2. Water Intake and Urinary Output- It has been well established that increased water intake and increased urinary output decrease the incidence of urinary stones in patients predisposed to the disease.
  3. Climate- High environmental temperature increases sweating, which may result in increased concentration of urine. This hyper concentration may contribute to stone formation.
  4. Occupation- The stone disease is more likely to be found in individuals with sedentary occupations like professionals and managerial class rather than unskilled and partly skilled laborers.
  5. Genetic Disorders- Like Gout, Cystinuria, primary Oxaluria, metabolic disorders like a bowl, endocrine, and kidney problems that increase blood and urine calcium and oxalates can promote the tendency for stone formation. Other rarer conditions like rickets, hyperparathyroidism, and demineralization of bone may lead to stone formation.
  6. Obstruction and Infection- Due to stricture or enlarged prostate may cause stagnation of urine leading to stone formation. Chronic infection in the kidney may also allow stone formation around the debris in the urine.

In stone belts, where the disease is endemic, it is the hot dry climate and the high content of calcium in the hard water and in the food grown in the soil that leads to stone formation. In areas where this disease is not endemic, in most cases, no cause can be detected and it may be the tendency of the kidneys in the individual to form urine of high calcium or urate content. In some, it may be due to a period of negligence in the intake of adequate fluids worsened by excessive sweating.

Stones form due to many reasons
Common causes of the stone formation are:

  • Supersaturation of urine decreases intakes of water and or hot environmental conditions where there is the loss of body fluid in the atmosphere by perspiration, and in breathing.
  • Urine infection where crystals deposit themselves on and around the infection-causing organism and the stone grows over the period in the supersaturated urine.
  • Diet rich in oxalates, Uric acid, can increase the incidence of stone formation.
  • Functional or structural obstruction of the urinary system can precipitate the stone formation. Like Pelviureteric junction obstruction, Ectopic kidney, Horseshoe kidney.

The presentation of symptoms depends upon the location, size, and shape of the stone. Many times they are symptom-free. They are called silent stones. Common symptoms are as follows:

  1. Sudden, severe pain- starting in the flanks and moving towards groins. Typically, described as ureteric colic and loin to groin pain
  2. Nausea and Vomiting.
  3. Blood in Urine.
  4. Increased Urinary frequency.
  5. Burning sensation on passing urine.
  6. Infection in Urine.
  1. People who tend to form stones have certain factors in common.
  2. Those who stay in the hot environmental condition, such as tropical areas.
  3. Positive family history of the stone disease in first blood relation.
  4. Decreases fluid intake, which reduces urine output, and forms supersaturated urine.

Yes.  Water helps in flushing out the stones. But fortunately, not all stones, stones which are in the size range of 3-6 mm can be passed out with the increased intake of the water

If you find a stone, bring it to your doctor for analysis. The type of stone you have will determine the diet and prevention program your doctor recommends. You may need additional tests and X-rays in the future to ensure that new stones do not form.

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