Male Infertility Treatment in Pune

As a rule, barrenness is characterized as not having the option to get pregnant (consider) following one year (or more) of unprotected sex. Since fruitfulness in ladies is known to decrease consistently with age, a few suppliers assess and treat ladies matured 35 years or more seasoned following a half year of unprotected sex. Ladies with fruitlessness ought to think about creating a meeting with a regenerative endocrinologist—a specialist who has practical experience in overseeing barrenness. Regenerative endocrinologists may likewise have the option to assist ladies with intermittent pregnancy misfortune, characterized as having at least two unconstrained unnatural birth cycles.

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Is infertility a common problem?

Indeed. About 6% of wedded ladies matured 15 to 44 years in the United States can’t get pregnant following one year of endeavoring (barrenness). Additionally, about 12% of ladies matured 15 to 44 years in the United States experience issues getting pregnant or conveying a pregnancy to term, paying little heed to conjugal status (hindered fruitfulness).

Pregnancy is the result of a process that has many steps.

To get pregnant:

  • A woman’s body must release an egg from one of her ovaries (ovulation).
  • A man’s sperm must join with the egg along the way (fertilize).
  • The fertilized egg must go through a fallopian tube toward the uterus (womb).
  • The fertilized egg must attach to the inside of the uterus (implantation).

Infertility may result from a problem with any or several of these steps.

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Dr. Irfan Shaikh – Best Male Infertility Treatment in Pune

Best Urologist in Pune - Dr. Irfan Shaikh

Dr. Irfan Shaikh

Consultant Urologist & Uro Surgeon (MBBS, MS (Gen. Surgery), M.Ch. Urology), is one of the Top Urologists In Pune

Dr. Irfan Shaikh – Consultant Urologist & Uro Surgeon (MBBS, MS (Gen. Surgery), M.Ch. Urology), is one of the Top Urologists In Pune. A gold medalist in the department of Urology, Dr. Irfan Shaikh specializes in Female Urology in India. He has finished his education from one of the top colleges with MBBS from Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Government Medical College & Sasson General Hospital in Pune and MS in general surgery from PGI, Chandigarh. Moreover, he has also done M.Ch in Urology from Topiwala National Medical College & BYL Nair Charitable Hospital. Having so many degrees from prestigious institutes, Dr. Irfan Shaikh ensures to treat his patients with all the knowledge that he has accumulated over the years.

Urolife provides you all kinds of Urological Treatment Services such as Kidney Stones Treatment, Bladder Stones Treatment, Prostate Cancer Treatment, Kidney Cancer Treatment, and Urinary Tract Infection Treatment, RIRS Surgery and PCNL Surgery for Kidney Stone Removal and Andrological Treatment Services such as Erectile Dysfunction Treatment, Sexology Therapy, Penile Enlargement Services, and Premature Ejaculation Treatment, Varicocele Surgery.


No, infertility is not always a woman’s problem. Both men and women can contribute to infertility.

Many couples struggle with infertility and seek help to become pregnant, but it is often thought of as only a woman’s condition. However, in about 35% of couples with infertility, a male factor is identified along with a female factor. In about 8% of couples with infertility, a male factor is the only identifiable cause.

Almost 9% of men aged 25 to 44 years in the United States reported that they or their partner saw a doctor for advice, testing, or treatment for infertility during their lifetime.

Barrenness in men can be brought about by various factors and is ordinarily assessed by a semen examination. At the point when a semen investigation is played out, the quantity of sperm (fixation), motility (development), and morphology (shape) are evaluated by an authority. A somewhat irregular semen investigation doesn’t imply that a man is essentially fruitless. All things being equal, a semen examination decides whether and how male elements are adding to barrenness.

  • Age. Although advanced age plays a much more important role in predicting female infertility, couples in which the male partner is 40 years old or older are more likely to report difficulty conceiving.
  • Being overweight or obese.
  • Smoking.
  • Excessive alcohol use.
  • Use of marijuana.
  • Exposure to testosterone. This may occur when a doctor prescribes testosterone injections, implants, or topical gel for low testosterone, or when a man takes testosterone or similar medications illicitly for the purposes of increasing their muscle mass.
  • Exposure to radiation.
  • Frequent exposure of the testes to high temperatures, such as that which may occur in men confined to a wheelchair, or through frequent sauna or hot tub use.
  • Exposure to certain medications such as flutamide, cyproterone, bicalutamide, spironolactone, ketoconazole, or cimetidine.
  • Exposure to environmental toxins including exposure to pesticides, lead, cadmium, or mercury.

Ladies need working ovaries, fallopian tubes, and an uterus to get pregnant. Conditions influencing any of these organs can add to female fruitlessness. A portion of these conditions are recorded beneath and can be assessed utilizing various tests.

Most specialists recommend at any rate one year for ladies more youthful than age 35. Notwithstanding, for ladies matured 35 years or more seasoned, couples should see a medical services supplier following a half year of attempting fruitlessly. A lady’s odds of having an infant decline quickly consistently after the age of 30.

Some medical conditions additionally increment the danger of fruitlessness. In this way, couples with the accompanying signs or manifestations ought not defer seeing their medical services supplier when they are attempting to get pregnant

If you find a stone, bring it to your doctor for analysis. The type of stone you have will determine the diet and prevention program your doctor recommends. You may need additional tests and X-rays in the future to ensure that new stones do not form.

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