A urologist is a doctor or a medical practitioner who specializes in diagnosing problems of the urinary tract. The urinary tract comprises organs like the kidney, bladder, urethra, and ureter to produce store, and release urine from the body effectively. Urinary problems are common in both men and women, and thus, getting urological care from the Best Urology Hospital In Pune is essential for you.
What are the most common symptoms of urological problems?
Although symptoms may vary from person to person, you might face these issues if you suffer from any urological disorders:
- Difficulty in urination
- A foul odour of urine
- Pain in the pelvic region while urinating
- Lower back pain
- Erectile dysfunction leading to male impotence
What are the common disorders treated by the best urologist?
The best Urology Doctor in Pune will suggest effective treatment procedures for the following urological conditions:
- Kidney stones
- Kidney cancer
- Any disorders of the male reproductive organ
- An enlarged prostate
- Prostate cancer
- Painful urination
- Bladder cancer
- Infertility
- Urinary tract infections or UTI
- Benign Prostatic Hyperplasic, also known as BPH.
How will the best urologist diagnose your disease?
Once you communicate with them freely about the symptoms you are experiencing, they prescribe you some tests like:
- An ultrasound of your abdominal region to check for any mass
- CT scan of the renal area to look for any renal stones
- Biopsy of the prostate gland to check whether the growth is benign
- A urogram
Dr. Irfan Shaikh is the Best Urologist in Pune who is practicing on the urological and andrological problems of the patients. He recovers many patients by surgery irrespective of the disorder.
When to consult the best urologist in Pune?
If lately you have been spotting blood in your urine or your urine color appears darker than normal, then don’t wait anymore and get in touch with the Best Laser Kidney Stone Clinic. Only a urology expert can offer you the best treatment methods by understanding and linking your symptoms.
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