When the urinary system cannot dilute substances, they form certain crystal-like structures that harden in stones. When these kidney stones pass through the urinary tract, it causes pain in the stomach and backside. Although the problem does not depend on the stone’s size, the Best Urologist in Pune – Dr. Irfan Shaikh from Urolife Care Clinic, suggests that the larger ones are more painful as they travel down the system. Once treated, people may again experience the same within a few years if preventive measures are absent.

Preventive Measures:

One of the primary reasons for kidney stones is a dehydrated body or a hereditary condition. Obesity, lack of a balanced diet, and high calcium and uric acid levels can also be the reasons. The Kidney Stone Specialist in Pune suggests the below mentioned precautionary measures that you can follow to avoid the formation of kidney stones:

  • Staying hydrated:

Plenty of fluid intakes prevents the concentration of chemicals that initiates the formation of stones. An individual should drink an average of 3 liters of fluids, including water and fruit juices. Along with keeping the body hydrated, it will also help in digestion and absorption.

  • Reducing sodium intake:

The rise in calcium content can be due to a high sodium concentration in the diet. Ensure that your diet contains little salt by avoiding excess processed foods, baking soda, meat, condiments, etc.

  • Minimizing oxalic acid content:

Oxalates are high in foods like chocolates, spinach, coffee, to name a few, which combines with calcium to form stones. Reduce the intake of these foods if you have a history of kidney stones.

  • Less protein:

Foods rich in animal protein increases the level of uric acid, and thus limiting its intake is beneficial, including beef, chicken, and pork.

Keeping in regular touch with doctors from Kidney stone treatment in Pune and measuring calcium and uric acid concentration will help maintain its balance and act accordingly.